October 31st, 2021 – Patch Notes v2.0.3

Release/Patch Notes (en)
What is new?
  • Design and Layout
    • Expandable filter menus under Plan and Production Advanced filter functions are available for ideas, events, stories and publications. These also allow multiple selections. For example, multiple channels can be selected in the publication calendar.
    • New views and functions of the processes for requests and Releases.
  • Functional (General)
    • Assignment of assets in the story workspace can now be removed
      • This checks whether the respective file already has other uses in publications, or whether tasks are assigned to the asset.
    • Output – New notification types
      • Notification of assigned teams when the status of a publication is set to “Produced”.
      • Notification to assigned editors when the status of a publication is set to “approved”
    • Ideas can be assigned to one (or more) stories via the idea workspace
    • New filters under plan and production incl. sorting options
      • Ideas:
        • Sorting (From, To, Title), Status, Keywords.
      • Events:
        • Sort (From, To, Title), Status, Keywords, Event Type
      • Stories:
        • Sort (Start Date, End Date, Title, Creation Date, Edit Date), Status, Keywords, Owner, Language, Topics, Targets
      • Publications:
        • Sort (Publication Date, Title), Status, Type, Channels, Keywords, Language, Editor, Approved by
      • Assets:
        • Sort (Creation Date, Edit Date, Title), Status, Full Text Search, Keywords
  • Requests
    • Revision of the request workspace
      • Requests can be assigned to oneself, or to another person
      • Enhancements of the request workspace
        • Display of attachments within the request workspace
        • Tracking: allows tracking of replies to the sender, forwarding of the request, and assigning notes and tasks to this request
        • Story-centric planning: trigger an intelligent search query from the request and populate a Story
        • Creating tasks to a request
        • Creating a note to a request
        • Drag and drop from Outlook (.msg files) to Imory in the request workspace
        • Sending replies and forwards from the request workspace
      • Closing of a request via the hamburger menu (incl. note), or in the direct process of an answer
      • Template management for a reply or forwarding
      • Insertion of attachments in a response or forwarding
      • Display of releases in the publications with direct traceability via the requests workspace
    • Create contact or link to request workspace for request senders
  • Contact-Workspace
    • Overview of all requests, releases and attachments received in the system for this contact in the past
Vorheriger Beitrag
26. September 2021 – Patch Notes v2.0.2
Nächster Beitrag
31. Oktober 2021 – Patch Notes v2.0.3