June 28th, 2021 – Release Notes v2.0.0

What is new?
  • Design and Layout
    • Imory is now a single-column Application – similar to current social media channels such as LinkedIn.
      • This has improved the scalability of the size ratios (especially on small screens, or at high resolution).
    • Colour scheme and views have been adapted to make essential information more present.
    • Customised weekly view in the calendar: The weekly view of the calendar is now displayed in a tile view (for stories it is shown as a Gantt chart). This way, there is space for further information and pictures in this view (in the form of a carousel).
    • A week view has been added to all calendar functions.
    • Preview of assets directly in the list/calendar view: For objects with possible assignment of assets (stories and publications), the last assigned assets are now displayed in all lists and in the calendar (day and week view) and can be viewed/edited directly.
    • Advanced “mouse-over” functions provide quick information on content, assets and metadata for the respective object. For stories and publications.
    • The new slim navigation ensures short operating paths to all functions and information.
    • The list of stories and the story calendar are now combined in a central view and can be changed with one click. The same applies to publications and the publication calendar.
  • Functional
    • Direct chat: Offers the possibility to get in direct contact with colleagues on the Feed page. Furthermore, the associated teams can be viewed directly here, and the user workspace can be accessed.
    • Object chat: A communication option has been integrated for stories, publications, ideas, etc. This can be used to send a user or team-related message to an object or to reply to existing messages. This can be used to send a user or team-related message to an object or to reply to existing messages. The messages can be marked as “private”.
    • Central calendar: On the Planning, Production and Publication pages, the central calendar can be found below the navigation level. With the help of this calendar, the pages and views below can be filtered by day, week or month. Set the desired date once and the date period is applied as a filter on all pages.
    • List/calendar view: The views of elements can be displayed in a list or calendar view. This setting can be made by the users themselves and is page-based.
    • Filter options: new filter options on the Planning and Production pages for various objects.
      • Story: Topics, Keywords, without date
      • Publication: Keywords, Teams, Channels, live matter
      • Idea: Status, Keywords, Teams, without date
      • Magazine: Edition, Teams
      • Task: Stories, Teams, My/All, without date
      • Asset: Stories, Keywords, Status
    • Magazine (new object): A new object type that combines magazines, editions and articles and enables, for example, the creation of weekly or monthly newsletters and in-house magazines.
    • Recently opened files: An overview of the 10 most recently opened documents is displayed in the assets for quick access.
    • Document creation: Creation of Word and Excel documents directly in Imory. Users have the choice between creating from a template or completely new documents.
    • Cockpit: The cockpit is now available on every page (cockpit button at the top of the screen) and is collapsed by default.
    • Tasks to external persons: Tasks can now be assigned to external persons (by e-mail) in addition to colleagues within the company. Multiple assignment of a task is possible.
    • Story rights: A story has two settings – Public, or Limited. By limiting visibility, individual stories can only be accessed by certain teams or users. The rights of a story are inherited by tasks and publications created from it.
      • Default value: An administrator has the option to set a default value (public or limited) for newly created stories.
    • Notification system (extended): An administrator can globally activate and deactivate the possible notification types. Users can then decide for themselves which of the notifications allowed by the administrator they will receive. The system offers three possible delivery options (several can be selected per notification):
      • Imory: A notification is made on the Imory interface (bottom right) – note: the system must be running in the Browser.
      • Email: A notification is sent to the user by e-mail.
      • Windows: A notification is sent via the Windows 10 Notification Center – Note: the system must be running in the Browser.
    • Save documents as PDF: Word documents can be saved (downloaded) as PDFs via the Hamburger menu.
  • Design and arrangement of the pages
    • Feed: Personal space for users. Collaboration comes into focus – no more missing out on topics and always knowing what is relevant to you.
    • Illustration of the Imory-Wheel
      • Planning > Production > Publication > Resonance analysis / Monitoring
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28. Juni 2021 – Release Notes v2.0.0